LGSG provides CEO HELP and Tactics Clean Up
It Becomes Too Much For One Person To Carry Alone.
Yes, you are the person at the top... the buck stops with you... someone has to lead... you've got to take the bull by the horns.
But, when you find yourself saying, "I need help with...," what you are actually doing is demonstrating good leadership; and as one who knows your own limitations, be willing to marshal the help needed to get your organization and you to the next level. See the 4 step process below.
1. Watch
LGSG starts by staring at your company. Yep. Staring. And it can be awkward, but LGSG tries to bring chocolates. Staring at the accounting books. Staring at the board meeting while it happens. Staring at the parking lot while people take a lunch break. Staring at the computer screen while listening in on your conference call with the new client.
Maybe you have said something like, "I don't want some consultant coming in here and telling me what to do!" If so, then you'll love this part of our service, because the Advisor just asks questions and watches! And, you can pay us for it! But, we think you'll be glad you did.
2. Listen
In the Listening stage, the C-Level Advisor honestly listens to you. Jokes aside, this opportunity to listen to you as the CEO, the department head, or whatever your title is...this opportunity to listen to you is an honor.
This stage is really the core of the LGSG C-Level Advisory Service, because it affords the advisor the privilege of hearing you, of removing your isolation on interpersonal and business issues, and of supporting you. Business can be technical and strategic, but it is personal.
From this listening, the C-Level Advisor seeks to identify your areas of strength and weakness, and to formulate a plan to help you get to the next step.
This may sound cheesy, but it's true: You matter.
3. Simplify
Ah, the sound of it!
It sounds good, because it is an art form, and it's not an easy one at that. The next task of the C-Level Advisor is to construct (in collaboration with you) a simplified set of organizational, strategic, tactical, and logistical way-points that need to be reached for your organization to thrive.
A significant aspect of this simplification process is helping you to put into words the axioms, the areas of focus that need to be repeated in your organization in order for leadership to be effective. This simplification is designed to make your life easier, because it is designed to make your leadership more accurate.
Simplification results in value through focus, value through organizational communication, and value through tactics-to-strategy alignment.
4. The Kick
"The Kick" is the fun part, because it involves both a kick in the pants and a kick start! At this point, the C-Level Advisor can activate in a number of roles in order to kick things forward:
A Corporate Trainer for organizational focus to kick start the staff. This training can cover a wide range, and can include our Parallel Rails Training Intensive. But, it is important that staff be given the training that they need at the moment. Not a cookie-cutter format.
A CEO (that's you) Coach (that's me) to provide a needed kick in the pants to help you take the next step. Let's be honest, who else in your organization is actually going to "push" you out of your current leadership rut? It is always the LGSG C-Level Advisor's job to honor you, both privately and publicly, but it is also the Advisor's role to challenge you (remember Moses' father-in-law). We hope you'll thank us... later.
A Project Catalyst for a specific and important organizational project for which, based on your request, "outside" project leadership is warranted. Our C-Level Advisors are always training others, even when they are leading projects. So, someone in your staff should be able to take on the next project.